leogpt - Your AI SUPERPOWER

People are already getting overwhelmed by the endless number of neural networks. LeoGPT solves this problem

All content on the page is generated in LeoGPT

leo illustator

leo illustator

the girl with the neon, glowy makeup
the painting behind the lion with the brush in his teeth
cyberpunk night city
2 плюшевых мишек, обнимающихся на закате
Minimalistic logo from BioBuild lettering
a little capybara sitting on his hands

the girl with the neon, glowy makeup

the girl with the neon, glowy makeup

the painting behind the lion with the brush in his teeth

the painting behind the lion with the brush in his teeth

cyberpunk night city

cyberpunk night city

crystal fruit vase

crystal fruit vase

Minimalistic logo from BioBuild lettering

Minimalistic logo from BioBuild lettering

a little capybara sitting on his hands

a little capybara sitting on his hands
leogpt — мастер на все лапки

leo writer

Write a text, at least 500 characters long, about why the sky is blue. The text should be in a simple conversational style.

Hey there! You know, I was just looking up at the sky the other day and thinking about why it's blue. It's kinda funny how we see it every day but don't always stop to wonder about it, right?

So, here's the deal. The sky looks blue because of the way sunlight interacts with our atmosphere. Sounds fancy, but it's actually pretty cool when you break it down.

See, sunlight contains all the colors of the rainbow. When it hits our atmosphere, it bumps into all these tiny molecules of gas and other stuff floating around up there. These little collisions cause the light to scatter in all directions.

Now, here's the interesting part - blue light gets scattered more than the other colors. It's like blue light is the hyperactive kid at the party, bouncing all over the place. That's why when we look up, we see all this scattered blue light, and voila - blue sky!

But wait, there's more! Ever notice how the sky can look different colors at sunrise or sunset? That's because the sunlight has to travel through more atmosphere when the sun is low on the horizon. By the time it reaches our eyes, most of the blue light has been scattered away, leaving us with those beautiful reds, oranges, and pinks.

Pretty neat, huh? Next time you're out for a walk, take a moment to look up and appreciate that big blue canvas above us. It's like nature's own light show, happening right over our heads every single day!

leogpt — мастер на все лапки

leo Programmer

Make a web service mock in Python with Post and Get requests. Use FastAPI

Of course, let's create a simple web service mock using FastAPI that will handle GET and POST requests.

First make sure you have FastAPI and Uvicorn installed, which will be used as an ASGI server to run your application. You can install them using pip:

pip install fastapi uvicorn

Now let's create the main script for our web service.

Let's name the file, for example, main.py.

from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Optional, List

app = FastAPI()
# Example of a simple in-memory database for storing data

fake_db = []
# Data model for queries
class Item(BaseModel):
   id: Optional[int] = None
   name: str
   description: Optional[str] = None
   price: float
   tax: Optional[float] = None
def read_root():
   return {"Hello": "World"}

def read_items():
   return fake_db

def read_item(item_id: int):
   for item in fake_db:
       if item.id == item_id:
           return item
   raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Item not found")
def create_item(item: Item):
   item.id = len(fake_db) + 1
   return item

In this code, we have created a basic FastAPI application with multiple endpoints:

  • GET / just returns a welcome message.
  • GET /items/ returns a list of all elements.
  • GET /items/{item_id} returns the element by its ID.
  • POST /items/ adds a new item to our “database” and returns that item.

To start the server, use the following command:

uvicorn main:app --reload

Flag --reload makes it so that the server will automatically reload when the code is changed. This is very convenient during development.

You can test your web service using tools such as curl, Postman or the FastAPI documentation interface itself, which is available at, after the server starts.

I hope this helps you in building your moc web service! If you have any questions or need more help, feel free to get in touch.